Saturday, February 26, 2011

nana and grandma falling inlove with baby Maslin

and so it begins...

My first fashion shoot with Maslin!! First outfit that he ever wore (*cute woodland animal sleeper from auntie Lil and uncle Arnold) so I had to attempted a mimi photo shoot.
Had to add his cute burping face

*note how I had to add clothing credits

Thursday, February 24, 2011

babe in arms

Labour wasn't good to me but when Maslin was but in my arms my heart lit up. There really is no other feeling in the world that comes close to holding your new born in your arms. As soon as I held him my life got a million times better.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Maslin's hospital sleep over

Little Maslin in Mom's arms....the best feeling in the world!!!

Grandma and grandpa Solarz first visit

Maslin in fine hospital garments.

First bath

Okay R rated but he is so adorable that I had to add this photo.

5 minutes old

Papa took this video when little Maslin was only 5 minutes old, I was still asleep so it is pretty special that Yves took this video that I could actually see our darling son.

The birth of Maslin

ur son Maslin
Romeo Benoit was finally born at 5am January 18th, 2011 at the Royal Alexandra Hospital Edmonton AB. Weighing 8lbs 4oz and 21 inchs long. His due date was January 11th and was thought that he would be early but nope he was late. Which I concider payback because I am always late for everything. This photo was taken by Yves when he was only 5 minutes old. Unfortunately I didn't get to see him till he was 3 hours old but I'm so glad Papa and Maslin got to see each other.